Shimano Rowing Dynamics rigs all your hard training to the Best Performance
The KF-R620 Foot Stretcher is a full carbon fiber, one piece stretcher with a Virtual Pivot binding system that allows the foot stretcher to rotate to keep the feet at the optimum power transmission angle as the rower recovers up to the catch position and transitions force into the leg drive.
This improves rowing movement efficiency and gives the rower revolutionary ease of motion. A binding between the KF-R620 Foot Stretcher and the KS-R620 carbon soled rowing shoes completes the system. With this system, crew members can use their own shoes―gone is the necessity of sharing footwear. Further, the fully adjustable binding units can be easily moved up and down in the cockpit to provide rowers with the necessary heel depth. The KF-R620600 Foot Stretcher is available in two sizes, Type A for narrow cockpits on 1x and 2x shells, and Type C for a wider stance in 4+ and 8+ shells, and both can be installed in most OEM boat brands.