Row Shimano

SRD rigs all your hard training to the best performance

Shimano Flex Rowing Shoes

Smart Rowing

Row Shimano

SRD rigs all your hard training to the best performance

Shimano Virtual Pivot Foot Stretchers

Shimano Rowing Dyanmics
KF-R510A Foot Stretcher Type A
For 1x, 2x Boats
KF-R510C Foot Stretcher Type C
For 4x/-, 8+ Boats
KFR512C Toe Steering Foot Stretcher Type C
KS-R500F Flex Series Rowing Shoes
KS-R500F Flex Series Rowing Shoes

Shimano Rowing Dynamics rigs all your hard training to the Best Performance


The Shimano shoe system has been an integral part of the development of our team as both the Pivot System and Flex System have allowed our rowers to get the most out of their ability.

Deerfield Academy

The improved stability has a positive effect on my perceived effort and fatigue profile.

Greg Bennning

The Shimano footstretcher system has been very helpful across the entire program and helped our Frosh 8+ win Gold at the 2018 Dad Vail Regatta.

Brian Perkins, Head Coach

National Cathedral first place in women’s first and second eights at Stotesbury Regatta, for the third straight year. All three years and all six boats had Shimano.

Gregory King